Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Being Big KIDS on Vacation

Post more pics soon...its late

Grounded...back in the car
Guess who's having old military flashbacks while inside the helicopter???? ... and its not me

Awaiting take off...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Finding Another Hair Style

I'm trying to find some different styles for the season. Bunning is impossible for my hair length & bulk and I really don't care for it. The twists are working but I don't think I will bantu knot the ends anymore. I am now 7 weeks post relaxer. I usually go 12 weeks, but I want to go longer. I have a birthday coming up at the end of January and I don't want to be traveling with new growth and I'm pretty sure I won't have time to baby my hair. It depends on how manageable my new growth will be. If it gets out of hand, hopefully I will come up with something before mid January.