Thursday, March 26, 2009

Corrective Relaxer

I thought I nipped it in the bud this time. While my hair was still wet, I noticed I still have some wavy strands. All I can say is I'm very disappointed and I put my hair shaft on the line for doing this corrective relaxer. But on an up note, I can say my roots are really straight and no weird after relaxer breakage..yah me!!! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Early A.M._ Before Hair Wash 4 Weeks New Growth

A lot of people ask how long before you can tell your hair is growing. At my third week my scalp was feeling rough, but it wasn't my scalp, it was my new growth coming in. To the date, today is my 4th week post relaxer and its a little noticeable by camera. I'm planning on relaxing on my 8th week. My last stretch was 16 weeks and that was a little too much to handle relaxing alone. I'm planning on correcting what I missed last time and catching all new growth this time around.